School Safety

The Shawnee Mission School District is committed to promoting and fostering a safe environment in and around our schools. Our Shawnee Mission School District Police Department was formed in 1972 as an accredited police force as authorized by Kansas law. The Shawnee Mission Board of Education employs District Resource Officers (DRO) and Campus Security Officers (CSO) to help keep schools safe across the district. DROs are certified commissioned law enforcement officers in the state of Kansas.

Officers receive specialized training to be school-based police officers from the National Association of School Resource Officers. SMSD Police is also a participating agency in the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) program which provides training to focus on de-escalation techniques when dealing with persons suffering from mental illness and brain disorders.

SMSD Police train and work together with our local law enforcement D.A.R.E. officers, School Resource Officers (SRO) and partners which include: Fairway PD, Johnson County Sheriff, Leawood PD, Lenexa PD, Merriam PD, Mission PD, Roeland Park PD, Overland Park PD, Prairie Village PD, Shawnee PD and Westwood PD.

For additional information regarding school safety, please visit the district website or contact the school principal.

Emergency Procedures


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